I recently started creating Azure DevOps templates to create more extensible pipelines. I figured setting tags would be a good place to start with templates.

I recently started creating Azure DevOps templates to create more extensible pipelines. I figured setting tags would be a good place to start with templates.
Learn how to add logic into the pipeline file to avoid a default timeout on self-host Azure DevOps agent.
Learn how to call the Azure DevOps API using PowerShell with Pester tests and set up a CI job in Azure DevOps to run the code.
code from the post available at https://github.com/devopsdina/remove-offline-agents
Recently, version 0.15.0
of the kitchen-azurerm
gem came out which featured a breaking change for our chef cookbooks. A change was introduced that allowed the user to pass in the name for the network interface card and changed the default name from nic
to nic-<vm-name>
. We needed to support either format.
My storage container needs to use a whitelist for access but the hosted agents IP is constantly changing!
code from the post available at https://github.com/devopsdina/az-storage-firewall-hosted-agts
How to update Chef test kitchen to ensure communication over winrm ssl in Azure. SSL is NOT the default configuration for communication. This post will discuss what the default configuration is and how to update it, making it more secure
Are you having issues getting Test Kitchen (with the kitchen-azurerm driver) to run in TFS 2015? If so, please read on…because it took me a while to figure out the special sauce. TL;DR see Secret Sauce: Invoke-TestKitchen.ps1 section